EMDR Basic Training Participant Agreement

Paced curriculum. Highly competitive pricing. Tailored options.


Established 2013


EMDR Basic Training Participant Agreement

The undersigned participant acknowledges that she or he has thoroughly and carefully read, understands, and agrees to the following:

  1. EMDR is widely recognized as an empirically supported treatment for PTSD and Acute Stress Disorder. Its safety and efficacy for other clinical applications have yet to be adequately evaluated by controlled research. The cautions described in the published literature and in the EMDR Ctr. Of the Rockies basic training are based primarily on anecdotal reports by trained clinicians.
  2. All participants must: (i) be licensed to independently practice psychotherapy in a discipline recognized by EMDRIA; or (ii) if not licensed, have completed masters level coursework in a mental health or a related discipline recognized by EMDRIA, and currently be in a licensing track and must be supervised by a licensed clinician with the appropriate letter(s) on file. The letter from the licensed, supervising clinician must be sent to the EMDR Ctr. Of the Rockies office, must indicate that you have clinical privileges to practice psychotherapy under supervision, and should endorse you to participate in EMDR training.
  3. All participants must have cases in their practice with whom they can utilize the EMDR skills taught in the training. This training is designed to help participants integrate the use of EMDR in their current clinical setting. This training program is not intended for managers and researchers who do not carry an active psychotherapy caseload.
  4. A significant component of the training involves clinicians practicing EMDR and related procedures in small groups under the supervision of the instructor or a qualified staff member. These practice experiences are for training purposes only and not for personal therapy. All participants should be prepared to address disturbing real life experiences as part of this training program in order to appreciate the subjective experience of EMDR as a client would and to provide valid training experiences for other participants. It is not unusual for a target memory to be linked to other, unexpected, disturbing memories or material, which might surface during or after the practice sessions. Trauma-related case material presented didactically, in consultation sessions, or on video may be disturbing to those with unresolved personal issues. In submitting their application for training, participants affirm that they have developed appropriate self-soothing and affect/arousal management skills to cope with exposure to this type of material and will be able to employ these skills as necessary during and following EMDR training, practice and consultation sessions.
  5. Further, with reference to number 4 above:
  6. Participants presently engaged in personal therapy and/or psychiatric treatment should inform their therapist and/or psychiatrist about all aspects of this training including the experiential component and secure their therapist’s and/or psychiatrist’s support to participate before beginning this training.
  7. Participants with limiting or special medical conditions (pregnancy, heart condition, ocular difficulties, etc.) should consult their medical professionals before participating in this training and should discuss their condition(s) with the training director in advance of submitting their application to participate in the training.
  8. Participants who presently have a dissociative disorder, acute or chronic PTSD, GAD, panic disorder, substance use disorder, personality disorder, or affective disorder should not participate without special arrangements being made with the training director as part of the application for registration. Failure to advise the training director of such issues in advance could place you at risk, negatively impact other participants, and result in dismissal from the training without refund. Participants who are disruptive to the training will be given one warning by the training director and will be dismissed without refund if there is a recurrence. You are expected to maintain a spirit of cooperation and mutual support for all in the training. Splitting and conflict-generating behavior will not be tolerated. You agree that the training director has the right to dismiss anyone who is disruptive from the training at any time without refund.
  9. The reprocessing of targeted incidents during practicum sessions may lead to the

emergence of other disturbing memories during and after the practicum. It is the responsibility of the participant to seek, obtain and pay for appropriate professional assistance if needed. Providing such assistance is not part of the training and will not be provided by the EMDR Ctr. Of the Rockies training director or staff. Clinicians who elect to do personal EMDR work can find lists of EMDR trained clinicians through www.EMDRIA.org.

  1. With reference to Items 4, 5 and 6, above, the participant acknowledges, understands and knowingly assumes the forgoing risks and requirements of participating in the training and hereby releases and holds harmless EMDR Ctr, of the Rockies, each instructor, each other participant and their respective affiliates from and against any and all liability, costs and injury that may arise or result from participating in the training.
  2. This experiential training is intended to prepare clinicians to apply EMDR for clinical

purposes only and will not qualify the participant to train others in EMDR. Attempts to train others in EMDR without meeting the standards as defined by the EMDR International Association would represent a violation of professional ethics and standards.

  1. Under no circumstances may any portion of this training be recorded or distributed.

In order to assure confidentiality of personal and clinical information, audio/video recording by participants is not allowed. It is expected that all participants shall maintain the highest ethical standards of confidentiality regarding all personal and clinical information shared by others in this training. Failure to maintain confidentiality shall be treated as a professional ethics issue, and may result in immediate dismissal from the training program with no refund. Confidentiality shall apply to all consultation sessions and practicum experiences: specifics may be discussed only with members of the immediate consultation or practice group, the participant’s group consultant, practicum supervisor and trainer(s). In addition, a participant may share his or her own emerging material with a private therapist.

  1. EMDR Center of the Rockies is committed to providing all participants with the opportunity to benefit equitably from this EMDR Basic Training. All attendees — including trainer, consultants, consultants-in-training and trainees, are expected to promote mutual respect and understanding by acknowledging other perspectives, constructively confronting differences, and actively listening and learning from each other. All clinicians regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and other human differences are welcomed by training faculty and will be treated with dignity and respect; and, we require that the same attitude of respect be shown amongst participants to each other and to training faculty as well. If there are perceived microaggressions, micro assaults, microinsults, or microinvalidations please speak to the trainer, or another staff member in private. We ask that you not use the training as a forum for publicly criticizing the trainer, staff or other participants.
  2. Participants agree to obtain written consent for the release of (non-identifying) information from each client prior to presenting case material during group consultation sessions. Participants agree to keep a completed written release form in each client’s chart about whom they disclose any case material. Participants agree to avoid disclosure of client’s names or other identifying information in making verbal presentations and in sharing written documentation of client sessions.
  3. Participants agree to read in their entirety and thoroughly study portions of both Shapiro, F. (2018). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EDMR) therapy: Basic principles, protocols, and procedures (3rd ed.). The Guilford Press and Leeds, A. M. (2016). A guide to the standard EMDR therapy protocols for clinicians, supervisors, and consultants (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing CompanyParticipants must pay for these study materials in addition to the course tuition fee.
  4. A Certificate of Completion will be issued to all participants who satisfactorily complete the entire training, complete the assigned readings, successfully complete all pre and post module assessments, and demonstrate through group discussion, practice exercises and consultation, an understanding of the EMDR treatment approach. Note: for consultation sessions participants are required: 1) to prepare a written summary about their actual clinical use of specific procedures; 2) and to complete and discuss structured self-evaluations forms about their actual clinical experiences. Participants are expected to participate actively and to work diligently.
  5. Attendance Policy: Participant must attend all training days and actively participate in all supervised practice exercises and group consultation sessions in order to receive a certificate of completion for this training. Participants are required to have their video camera on during the entirety of the training except during except during class breaks. This is required by EMDRIA and by EMDR Center of the Rockies so that training faculty can monitor attendance, visual cues, facial expressions, etc.

Those who attend this workshop in full and successfully complete all the appropriate assignments, pre and post module assessments and evaluation forms, will receive CE credits. Those joining the training more than 15 minutes after the start time or leaving more than 15 minutes before the workshop is completed will not receive CE credits.  Participants who need to make up any portion of the training (please see item #16 below regarding policies for making up missed portions), including consultation time that is missed, must do so within 12 months of the start of the training in order to receive the Certificate of Completion.  Following that time frame, they will have to take the training again in order to receive credit for it.

  1. Payment policy: There are three payment options:
  2. Payment in full:

Online trainings: payment of $1350 at time of registration.

In person trainings: payment of $1600 at time of registration.

  1. Payment Plan:

Online trainings: Deposit of $350 at time of registration with 3 additional payments of $350 due by 1 week prior to start of training ($1400 total).

In person trainings: Deposit of $350 at time of registration with 3 payments of $435 ($1635 total).

Payment in full must be made by no later than 1 week prior to start of training, if using payment plan. If full payment is not received by 1 week prior to start of training, registrant will be removed from course. If for any reason a participant in the course has any balance due at end of training, they will not receive certificate of completion at conclusion of training.

  1. Refund/Cancellation policy:


Policy for any missed practice or consultation portion of training:

If a participant misses any of the practice or consultation portion of the training, participant will be required to pay an additional fee of $150 per hour for practice and or consultation session, to make this time up with one of our consultants.  EMDR Center of the Rockies will coordinate the make-up session with a consultant on our team.  If there are multiple participants that miss a portion of the practice or consultation time, efforts will be made to coordinate a make-up practice or consultation with the multiple participants who may share in the cost of the $150 per hour. 


Policy for any missed module of the training:

If for any reason you are not able to attend all four modules of the training, there is a fee of $300 (per module) to move you into another module of a subsequent training to complete the work. Please note that all modules must be completed sequentially. If you need to complete multiple modules of the training with a different group, the additional fee of $300 is per module, up to two modules.


Policy for any missed lecture:

EMDR Basic Training lectures must be attended in real time.  Missed lectures will equate to missed modules of the training and adhere to the policies stated above.  Lectures are recorded only for internal purposes and training development.  At current, EMDRIA does not apply delayed viewing of Basic Trainings toward completion of EMDR Basic Training requirements.


Refund policy/cancellations and changing to another course start date: If for any reason you are not able to attend all four modules of the training, there is a fee of $300 (per module) to move you into another module of a subsequent training to complete the work. Please note that all modules must be completed sequentially. If you need to complete multiple modules of the training with a different group, the additional fee of $300 is per module, up to two modules. This fee accounts for items not limited to, but such as, administrative costs, additional consultation costs, and the cost for taking a space in the training that would otherwise have been reserved for another registrant. Making up more than two modules will require an entirely new registration in a subsequent training at 75% of full cost for that training. Any move to another module or training would be contingent upon there being space available in that training.


Cancelling your registration: If cancelling a registration at any time up to 3 weeks before start of training, a full refund will be made, less a $150 administrative fee. Cancellations that take place within 3 weeks prior to start of training are not eligible for a refund.

Recording Disclaimer:

All dates of training are recorded during the lecture portion for teaching and development purposes only. They are typically not made available to participants for delayed viewing, however under some circumstances we may provide them to a participant for a limited time to view. Please note that questions and answers asked during lecture may be recorded showing the participant asking the question in a small window. If you are not comfortable with being recorded during questions, you may block the video during questions, or change the name on your screen from first and last name to first name with last initial. Please note: case consultation is not recorded, nor are the practice sessions. In order to participate in the training, you must consent to the recording. Consent check box will show up on screen at start of training.



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